The sharp, dry winds and cold air of winter can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms. So can indoor heating, which sucks out moisture. While winter is fast coming to an end other seasons also can increase the symptoms of dry eye disease.
As Dr. O'Donnell always offers, gleefully, something can always be done to help.
What is Dry Eye?
Dry eye syndrome (DES) can be caused by many factors falling under two categories, productive and evaporative. Productive references how much tear production and the quality of what is produced. Evaporative is how quickly that which is produced evaporates. Both types lead to irritation and discomfort in the eyes. Dry eye syndrome can be annoying and, left untreated, severe cases can damage the surface of the eye and even lead to vision loss. That's why it's so important to understand what causes DES and to treat it.
What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome?
Dry eye syndrome can be caused by many factors including but no limited to aging, disease of eyelids/ gland of the eyelids, certain medications and medical conditions, and excessive screen time (we blink less when staring at a digital screen). Other causes include vision correction surgery, and smoking.
Your environment can also be the culprit. Indoor heating dries out the eyes, and the same is true of cold air and dry winds. Is it any wonder that dry eye symptoms peak during the winter and any time it's cold?
Fortunately, there are ways to reduce dry eye symptoms.
Dry Eye Prevention and Treatment
New Era Eye Care prides itself as a Dry Eye Clinic. Following a dry eye consult, your eye doctor will recommend ways to treat the condition. Dr. O'Donnell refers to it as a pyramid with the bottom of the pyramid being complete education as the "Why" patient has DES. Our treatment is far beyond over-the-counter eye drops. New Era Eye Care treatment protocol ranges from palliative ( specific lid hygiene and technical warm compress, dietary options, OTC lubricants) to invasive ( punctal plugs, thermal lid gland pulsation, biological bandage for cornea) and medicinal treatments.
Get Dry Eye Relief at New Era Eye Care
Visit New Era Eye Care today and get relief from dry eye syndrome. You'll see a world of difference.